Friday, October 3, 2014

LBC: How Your Lolita Style Has Evolved

August's EGL community theme for 2014 was Ita to Lolita. This collage is from my post there.

Really, I ought to just copy that horrid picture of me with a bland sweet-hime coord and black shoes and just paste it into every entry that alludes to "the beginning." Although that was a while into the process, my "style" was consistently shoddy outside of punk pseudo-lolita (which I hand-made/attempted beginning 2008—those shoulders aren't even covered! Maid ero-punk?).

I started with punk, or an attempt at punk, and never really left. Doc Martens are unlikely to stop being my favorite shoe brand, and I am likely to pull out something mint, black, and leather for casual days. Or don mint Doc Martens to go for a walk in this mountain town I live in.

Originally, I had no interest in anything outside of punk, hime, or classic. While trying very hard to obey rules I'd never seen put into practice, I didn't consider color coordination or item quality for the first year. Limited pieces further stifled creativity, except for when it forced me to be... too creative. I also had no interest in mixing my style interests or taking photos, so the whole thing was stagnant and primarily undocumented.

In 2012 I developed an interest in sweet lolita and collected several pieces that I couldn't bring myself to actually wear. I finally decided to try bittersweet (or black colorways of sweet prints) and have since found that they can mix well with particular accessories for a punk look. Sweet-classic wasn't a thing yet (and still isn't, according to some) but I found myself mixing sweet and classic because sweet was too bright for me and classic by itself was too bland. I decided that I really liked these combinations, even if they weren't "acceptable," and I gained a little bit of closet cohesion.

The only changes since the middle of 2012 have been refinements to individual outfits from much closer attention to detail and colors. Makeup was a very important addition to my style, and since I started wearing it on a regular basis at the beginning of 2014 I feel that I can dress up my face in a way that completely ties my style together.

Other participants in this week's theme:

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