Thursday, June 12, 2014

5 Words that Describe my Personal Style

Unrestricted. Other lolitas sometimes see Dr Martens as an attempt to do punk lolita or an affront so great that my coord is no longer lolita. A sonnet is not a sonnet without 14 lines, but what goes on in the specifics of the As and Bs are different in each fashionista's coordinate.

Aware. Clothes—as a functional art—have a role as both reflector and influence in the continually morphing societal consciousness. Many live reactionary lives, but intentional and purposeful action is how to be present and mindful in your own. Sometimes people like an idea but are too afraid to make it a reality. These people may be heartened by your originality and courage—think of flappers.

Comfortable. I recently started a romance with chiffon, but soft knit cardigans and light weight cottons make a majority of the wardrobe.

Tea and books. If I believed in heaven I would picture a garden—filled with lavender roses and every kind of peony and poppy and morning glory and pansy and monkshood—with all of my departed dogs and birds lounging, a pot of perfect unflavored black loose-leaf tea, and a staggering stack of books with no due dates. Naturally some semblance ends up in prints in the closet.

Motley. While fairly sweet-classic, bits of punk and gothic and boystyle wrestled their way into the collection, and if I need to wear muggle clothes to work it will still be as eccentric and reflective of my state of mind as can be managed.

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