Friday, August 1, 2014

7,000 Hits Lolita Giveaway: Wigs and Lashes

Sentimental Giveaway Intro or Why are You Doing This?
I feel very small in the world of blogging. This blog started out as the personal journal of an ita and is only now transforming into something palatable and worth reading. Going through it, there was much that needed to be set to private or deleted entirely. The newer posts may still be a bit awkward as this blog grows a solid voice, but the explosion of readership has reinforced my determination to bring you better content on a reliable schedule.

I am aware that upcoming feminist posts on this blog may drive some readers away, and to those people I wonder:
How you can participate in a style which is frequently mocked and have no concern for the societal behaviour which causes people to mock it? Shouldn't you and I be free to wear lolita as we please without being harassed or afraid? We shouldn't be embarrassed for expressing ourselves in a safe, stylistic manner. We should be empowered by it.

With that said, it's giveaway time!

The first item is a brand-new-with-tag Summer Bob wig and wig cap in black by Gothic Lolita Wigs (who in no way endorsed or promoted this giveaway):

The second item is a brand-new-with-tag wig from Enew. It does not come with a wig cap:

The third item is a set of ten false eyelashes off of eBay, and an envelope and sheet of stationery paper by BtSSB (which you don't get to see because it's a surprise):


There will be three winners. The first winner drawn gets first pick, and so on.

Winners will be announced on September 1st.

You must be following The Literary Lolita either through facebook or through the Google followers option on the left bar of the blog, as that is the only way I'll know you're really following it.

You enter by signal boosting this post. You may signal boost/reblog in more than one place to increase your chances of winning.

  • A tumblr reblog is worth two entries, but you must be following The Literary Lolita on tumblr as well as either on facebook or Google. Multiple reblogs will still only count as one entry. Likes on tumblr do not count. 
  • A facebook share is worth two entries. Multiple shares will still only count as two entries. Likes on facebook do not count. 
  • A link to this giveaway from your (non-tumblr) blog is worth three entries. Don't blog the giveaway more than once. You must send me a link to your blog with the link to this page.

The maximum number of entries is seven.

You must have a home address or PO box that I can send your package to.

If you do not live in the United States it may take until the end of September for your prize to be sent due to extra shipping fees.

By reblogging/sharing this entry and participating in the giveaway you are either over 18 years of age or have parental consent to receive one of the giveaway items.

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