Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Series: Fabric and Porcelain

This week's Sunday series features two prose poems.

Fabric has been a metaphor for fate
since civilization bothered to record

I do not weave
I do not design

I collage the things that happenstance threw my way
Someone else made it

Does it still say "me?"
Who said it first in the manner that I mean it?

Maybe if it's my perceived will,
but still,

there's nobody new under the sun.


Warning: this second poem contains attempted humor, cursing, and adult themes.

One type of ideal woman can be dressed up or dressed down

takes your shit

hides it where you'll never have to think of it again

porcelain and pale, though not so weak
that you'd damage her

when you fumble for her comfort

in your drunken stupor
and when you hold her

she won't ask, when you're using others who aren't her,

where have you been?
who were you with?

even if she breaks down and you replace her

she is still your ideal woman,
the toilet.

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