Wednesday, June 15, 2011

10 Things about my Lolita bubble

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1. Lolita fashion taught me that sometimes it’s okay to spoil yourself. 
2. Lolita encouraged me to be social again when I became active in the community. Before I started going to meets, I pretty much just went to work and slept.
3. My bubble’s pretty small… I’m fairly shy and unless I’m in a certain type of situation it’s difficult for me to go out and just start talking to people… I’m also very blunt and honest, so it’s even worse once I’ve spent time with someone. >_> 2014 update: 2010/11 was the beginning of awful social anxiety for me, though I didn't even know what it was; a problem with which I still sometimes struggle.
4. I gained a lot of confidence in my appearance when I finally fully immersed myself into Lolita. I maintain myself more, so I’m generally a bit healthier.
5. My love for Lolita and my sense of personal femininity came about at the same time. Somehow, I believe that although many women don’t wear or necessarily care for Lolita, it helps me to associate with a lot of them better.
6. I often end up wearing an outfit for half a day with no petticoat. 2014 update: I don't know what I was thinking. Petticoats make everything better.
7. I forget that Lolita isn’t “normal” because I don’t get out of the house much.         (-___-)‘ When I worked outside of home I always wore a uniform, and my friends are either Lolitas or used to Lolita clothing. 
8.  My parents don’t get Lolita. At all. It’s kind of amusing to hear my dad always say “Ah, she’s in her foo-foo la-la stuff again!” And then my mom, who knows better than anyone how long I’ve been into all kinds of alternative and self-proclaimed fashion (did any of you think band-aids looked cool when you were two and a half?) just sighs and says “But you look so good in jeans- JEANS!” 
9. I regained a sense of balance when I finally dived in… For a short while before then I kind of forgot about myself and was just a grumpy workaholic who spoiled the hubby. 
10. This goes hand in hand with number 2, but I spend a lot more time connecting with people online as well. I hardly ever touched my facebook account, hadn’t touched my other (now discontinued) blog in literally a couple of years, and used my email almost solely to send things to myself for safe keeping.


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