Monday, September 15, 2014

Ways I Do and Do Not Fit the Lolita Cliché

 At one point I considered myself coincidentally lifestyle, but is that even a real thing? Or is it the Disney-fied version of the daily lolita? Though I wear lolita nearly everyday, I am a complex individual (like you!) who doesn't fit into any one particular ideal or niche. Still, I fit a few old stereotypes of lolitas.

We'll skip the well-read-lolita stereotype.

5 Ways I do fit the cliché:

1. Tea. And I don't mean I simply enjoy a cup once in a while. Like a brand whore/snob of teas, I'm insanely picky. Flavored loose leaf teas are okay, but nothing compares to the taste of good quality, full-sized, plain black tea leaves steeped at the perfect temperature for the correct amount of time, or white tea with rosebuds. At least one pot a day.

Two of my three favorite cups and the trusty "Green Betty"

2. "Classic" decor. I've collected antique and antique replica furniture on and off, but since I've been constantly moving the set died off. When I move to Seattle next year, after completing my associate's degree, I will finally be able to settle into a place for long enough to make owning nice furniture worthwhile again.

Antique white with gold makes all furniture better. Unless you're not into that.

3. Hoarding. It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when a lolita hears "lolita," but if one imagines a lolita's collection or wardrobe, it's difficult not to imagine dozens of dresses overflowing from the closet and accessories and shoes lining at least one full wall. Of course, the average lolita's collection is rarely this exaggerated, but any daily wearer will likely be acquiring new pieces on a regular basis. 

Half of my headwear. Can you ever be done collecting pieces? 

4. Memorizing print names from spending copious amounts of time looking at lolita online. If it was possible to be absorbed by the internet, I would've gone missing a long time ago.

*not a real print

5.  Some kind of creative outlet involving beautiful things. I played violin for several hours a day for two years, and still occasionally pick it up, but honestly prefer singing and listening to violin over playing it. I write (though doing it for a blog is much harder for me than anything else). My favorite way to create beautiful things, however, is gardening. This is where the image of "effortless maiden" dissolves and blurs into my intensely non-stereotypical side. I love digging in the dirt and feeling the sunshine on my face, knowing that my work will turn into beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables and fruit.

A collage I made in 2012 of a few things I grew.

3 Ways I don't fit the cliché:

1. Motorcycles. And not just riding motorcycles, either.

Rebuilding carburetors and doing body work on a bike is like fixing a damaged jsk, but dirtier. 

2. Archery. I draw a 40 pound bow, but can't beat a small child arm wrestling. The muscles used are different! Arrows are also fun to make.

That's Eric's music, not mine! I can't triple-stop or play fast.

3. I was in the Army for four years. I also got adopted by my awesome step-dad while I was in the Army, but that's a story for later, haha.

Ain't no time for pluckin' brows on training missions. Only time for bad selfies.

If you've done this part of the 52 week lolita challenge, let me know! And if you haven't, feel free to tell me how you do and don't fit the lolita cliché in the comment section below or on facebook.

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